Fume extraction is becoming a more necessary solution for industrial companies in the wake of continued research findings and government health regulations. Having a good grasp on what fume extraction systems are and how they work is important as you begin considering fume extraction in your applications. While each system is designed for a specific purpose, fume extraction systems have one common goal - to extract harmful fumes created during the welding process.
The function of a fume extraction welding system is to vacuum out the unwanted fumes that can travel throughout your facility and harm not only your welders, but essentially all workers. These vacuum systems are designed to be powerful enough that they are extracting nearly all smoke. A fume extraction system in your plant may look like a small, portable unit that connects to a MIG gun. Another unit may be an over-head arm that sits above the welder’s station. Whatever the need is in your unique operations, there is a fume extraction system to solve the problems you are facing. Solaris believes source fume capture is the ideal fume extraction solution to optimize the health of your workplace. Our units are designed to fit with these source capture solutions along with other systems that can help get you going.